Woods timer 16uld 3a instructions

Woods Timer 16ULD 3A Instructions: Setting Up Your Outdoor Electrical Timer

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of setting up and using the Woods Timer 16ULD 3A. Whether you’re a seasoned DIY enthusiast or just looking to automate your outdoor lighting, this step-by-step guide will ensure you make the most out of your timer. We’ll cover everything from unboxing to troubleshooting, so let’s get started.


The Woods Timer 16ULD 3A is a versatile outdoor electrical timer designed to simplify your life by automating your outdoor appliances or lighting. With its user-friendly interface and reliability, it’s an excellent addition to any home. Let’s dive into the setup process to make sure you get the most out of it.

Unboxing Your Woods Timer 16ULD 3A

Before we begin setting up the timer, let’s unbox it. Carefully open the packaging and ensure you have the following items:

  • The Woods Timer 16ULD 3A unit
  • Mounting hardware (if applicable)
  • Instruction manual

Understanding the Components

Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the timer’s components:

  • LCD Display: Shows the current time and programmed settings.
  • Control Buttons: Used to set the timer.
  • Outlet: Plug your device into this outlet.
  • Override Button: Manually turn your device on or off outside the programmed schedule.

Setting the Current Time

  1. Press the “Clock” button.
  2. Use the “+” and “-” buttons to set the current time.
  3. Pay attention to AM/PM settings.
  4. Press “Clock” again to confirm.

Programming On and Off Times

  1. Press the “Program” button.
  2. Set the desired “On” time using the “+” and “-” buttons.
  3. Press “Program” again to set the “Off” time.
  4. Repeat this process for multiple settings.

Override Functionality

The Woods Timer 16ULD 3A allows you to override programmed settings easily. To turn your device on or off outside the scheduled times, press the “Override” button.

Testing Your Timer

After programming, plug in your device to the timer’s outlet. Wait for the programmed “On” time, and the timer should activate your device. To test the “Off” time, manually press the “Override” button.

Maintenance and Care

To ensure the longevity of your timer, keep it clean and free from dust and moisture. Check the batteries regularly and replace them when needed. If you notice any damage, contact the manufacturer for repairs.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter any issues, refer to the instruction manual for specific troubleshooting steps. Common problems include incorrect time settings or a malfunctioning override button.

Safety Precautions

  • Keep the timer and connected devices away from water.
  • Ensure proper ventilation for the timer.
  • Do not overload the timer with high-wattage appliances.
  • Regularly inspect the power cord for damage.


  1. Can I use the Woods Timer 16ULD 3A for indoor appliances? Yes, this timer is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.
  2. What is the maximum wattage this timer can handle? The Woods Timer 16ULD 3A can handle a maximum load of 15 amps or 1800 watts.
  3. Can I use this timer with LED lights? Yes, this timer is compatible with most types of lighting, including LED.
  4. How do I reset the timer to its factory settings? Refer to the instruction manual for a step-by-step guide on resetting the timer.
  5. Is the timer weatherproof? While the timer itself is not fully weatherproof, it is designed to withstand outdoor conditions when properly installed and protected.


Congratulations! You are now equipped with the knowledge to set up and use your Woods Timer 16ULD 3A effectively. Enjoy the convenience of automating your outdoor electrical devices and lighting with ease.

Optimizing Power Supply Arrangements for New Office Buildings

In today’s fast-paced business world, the efficient and reliable supply of electrical power is crucial for the smooth operation of any office building. One key aspect of ensuring a seamless power supply is the installation of appropriate transformers and substation enclosures. In this article, we’ll explore the differences between pole-mounted and plinth-mounted substations while focusing on best practices for their design and installation.

Understanding the Basics: Pole-Mounted vs. Plinth-Mounted Substations

Before delving into the specifics of substation design, it’s essential to differentiate between pole-mounted and plinth-mounted substations.

  1. Pole-Mounted SubstationsPole-mounted substations, as the name suggests, are transformers mounted on utility poles. They are commonly used in areas where space is limited and aesthetics are a concern. These substations are versatile and can support distribution transformers with capacities up to 2KVA.
  2. Plinth-Mounted SubstationsOn the other hand, plinth-mounted substations are ground-level installations. They are often preferred when space is available and aesthetics are less of a concern. Plinth-mounted substations can support a broader range of distribution transformers, from 11-0.4 KV to 100KVA.

Design Considerations for Plinth-Mounted Substations

Now, let’s focus on plinth-mounted substations, which offer greater flexibility and capacity. When designing a plinth-mounted substation for a new office building, the following factors should be taken into account:

  1. Transformer PlacementThe placement of the transformer on the plinth should ensure easy access for maintenance personnel. The height of the HV bushing from the ground is a critical consideration.
  2. Substation EnclosureThe general design of the substation enclosure plays a vital role in protecting the equipment from environmental factors. It should be designed to prevent moisture ingress, especially in areas prone to rain or high humidity.
  3. Plinth ArrangementsThe plinth itself should be constructed to be higher than its surroundings. This elevation helps prevent waterlogging and enhances the overall stability of the substation.
  4. Oil-Filled TransformersPlinth-mounted distribution transformers are often oil-filled. Proper insulation and heat dissipation mechanisms must be incorporated into the design to ensure the transformer’s longevity.

Installation and Maintenance

The installation of a plinth-mounted substation requires careful planning. It should be suitable for mounting on an invert culvert or similar construction, ensuring stability and safety. Regular maintenance and inspections are crucial to prevent downtime and ensure the continuous supply of power to the office building.


In conclusion, choosing the right type of substation for a new office building is a critical decision that can impact the reliability of the electrical supply. Plinth-mounted substations offer greater flexibility and capacity, making them a suitable choice for many scenarios. Proper design, installation, and maintenance are essential to ensure the smooth operation of these substations.

Do you have questions about bushings or cut-outs in substation design, or are you curious about the differences between pole-mounted and plinth-mounted substations? Feel free to ask, and I’ll provide you with the information you need.